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  • Writer's pictureDayna Sharp, LCSW

Getting to Know Your Inner Procrastinator

Updated: Sep 9, 2019

Do you tend to put things off? "Oh, I'll get to that later", you say as you become engulfed in any distraction that makes itself available? Cleaning, eating, facebook, therapy blogs... You'll do just about anything besides, of course, that thing you're supposed to be doing.

Let me introduce you to...your Inner Procrastinator. What does it want? Why is it always getting in your way? How can you make it just go away??? These are the very questions that you might bring to therapy. While most people simply want to get rid of the Procrastinator, I recommend instead getting to know it better.

There's a few ways to think about Procrastination. Its easy to see procrastination as a weakness in discipline. "I should" be doing this thing right now, but instead, I'm browsing through Twitter. We focus on the behaviors--putting off the tasks we need to do.

But your Procrastinator might run deeper than that. Sometimes Procrastination is an extension of Self Doubt. If we don't think we're good at something, we might want to avoid it--at which time, Procrastination steps in to "save" us. Other times, Procrastination could be helping us by avoiding tasks and situations that simply feel uncomfortable. We might have resistance to doing a certain thing--say exercising, because we know that it feels uncomfortable in our body. Procrastination provides relief from the anticipation of that discomfort, because it allows us to skip it. AND it often directs us to do something that feels VERY GOOD instead.

It is likely that your Inner Procrastinator is a Great Big Enabler.


At Creating Space Counseling and Wellness, I can help you get to know your Inner Procrastinator, to understand it better, so that you can respond most effectively. An enabler like Procrastination will help you to avoid things that are uncomfortable and direct you to things that feel better, but in the long run, as I'm sure you already know, you end up feeling badly about your choices and often about yourself. Understanding the dynamics of your Inner Procrastinator as well as learning how to sit with discomfort can help you to have more tolerance and compassion for yourself.

Call today to connect with your best self, and don't let your Procrastinator tell you otherwise!



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