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  • Writer's pictureDayna Sharp, LCSW

Why Play Therapy?

Updated: Oct 26, 2018

What is Play Therapy?

Play therapy is a way to work with young children that honors their unique developmental needs. First, children need to feel safe. Playing with kids in a therapeutic manner engages them, it places the therapist on their level, and anything they express during playtime can stay, safely, in the play--even after it has ended.


What will play therapy look like for my child?

Your child will have the opportunity to choose what they would like to play with each session. They may be invited to bring a favorite game/toy--if this is the case, I will let you know in advance.

Children are free to use art, storytelling, music or toys to express themselves through play.

I will make observations about your child's play, and ask them questions about their play, in order to help your child gain insight and learn new social/emotional skills.

I may also combine talking and playing, depending on the age, abilities and interests of your child.

It's possible that we will invite you to come play with us! This can deepen your child's therapeutic work, as you can get a chance to experience the therapy, and kids often feel good about spending the time with you, sharing their experience and having fun together!

I will always let you know what to expect specifically for your child, and will keep you updated on themes that come up in the therapeutic work.


Ideas to "Play" with:

Kids Heal Through Play

1. Does your child have opportunities for free play? Research shows that unstructured free play can help children develop healthy social skills.

2. Can you set aside 10 minutes each day to play with your children? Regular, one on one playtime between caregivers and their child(ren) can significantly reduce emotional and behavior issues.

3. How your child plays says alot about who they are! What kinds of activities does your child enjoy? Getting to know your child's play is a great way to get to know your child in a deeper way. For kids, and for all of us, being known is reassuring and helps us feel loved.


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